El Salvador

Farm, Region / Finca San Antonio, Chalatenango

Producer / Johny Lemus

Elevation / 1350 masl

Varietal / Gesha

Process / Natural

Tastes like / apricot, juicy sweet, stone fruit acidity

18 € / 300 g

Colombia / Blackout Espresso

Region / El Tambo, Cauca

Producers / AMACA women producers cooperative

Elevation / 1715 - 1750 masl

Varietal / Castillo

Process / Washed

Tastes like / cocoa, roasted nuts, rich texture

14 € / 300 g


Tesla Espresso

Farm, Region / Finca La Bolsa, Huehuetenango

Producers / Maria Elena Vides and family

Elevation / 1350 - 1750 masl

Varietals / Caturra, Bourbon

Process / Washed

Tastes like / cranberry, roasted hazelnuts, honey

14 € / 300 g


Region / Yirgacheffe

Producer / Mr. Alemu Beraso

Elevation / 2035 masl

Varietals / Ethiopian heirlooms

Process / Natural

Tastes like / honey, cocoa, citrus acidity

16 € / 300 g


Region / Huila

Producers / various smallholder farmers

Elevation / 1200 - 2100 masl

Varietals / Castillo, Colombia, Caturra

Process / EA Decaf process

14 € / 300 g

We source our fresh green coffee beans transparently and seasonally.